Most creative people I know have, at some point or another, had a block. It is a super frustrating experience, when suddenly the practice that has been a source of joy and comfort becomes difficult.
At the same time, there are some people who never start, intimidated by the blank page.

Capture the Beauty is meant to help with the overwhelm created by the blank page. While it is flexible in structure, if you start at the beginning the prompts are "easy", meant just to get pen to paper. As you work through, they increase in demand, hopefully giving space to more reflective writing and a deeper practice. If you are writing every day, the book should take a bit more than a month to complete, depending on how you approach some of the prompts and how much time you devote to exploring them.
Capture the Beauty will be available as a free download here. Newsletter subscribers will be sent access early, so if you are interested, sign up here! If you prefer a physical format, it will also be available in print format from Amazon (link to come!)
As always, thank you for being here, and I hope you always keep looking for beauty.